Monday Sep 02, 2019
UCT 021: Relating to Jesus: Doing vs. Being
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Recently, a listener left a review for the show that was less than glowing. This listener was concerned that the subject matter of The Uncommon Truth was focused more on, "Doing" rather than, "Being." In other words, too much discussion of what we should be doing for Jesus and not enough talk of resting in Jesus.
Instead of speaking less of what believers need to be working towards, Steve's view is that Christians should be focusing more and more on manifesting the work Jesus did on earth. However, this work needs to be motivated by what Jesus has accomplished for us, not as a way to earn our way to Him. As Steve often says, "I am owed nothing, I deserve nothing. I owe Him everything, and I get to work for Jesus."
Geordie's Journey can be followed on facebook.com/geordiesjourney and at gofundme.com/f/geordies-journey. Please consider supporting the Mumbys through this difficult time.
Share the podcast with a friend! Just copy+paste this link https://link.chtbl.com/UCT_listen_now into an email, text or Facebook post.
To connect with Max: Send me an email at maxehrman@changeoroville.org with topics you would like to see covered or feedback about an episode.
For the School of Transformation: www.transformationschool.org - www.instagram.com/sotoroville
For more about The Father's House: www.changeoroville.org - www.facebook.com/fathers.house.oroville - TFHC Media on YouTube - www.instagram.com/the.fathers.house.oroville
Steve Orsillo's books are available here on Amazon!
For Life Recovery Ministries: www.liferecoveryministry.com - www.instagram.com/lrmdiscipleship
Monday Sep 09, 2019
UCT 022: Fighting for Faith
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Monday Sep 09, 2019
In today's day and age, Christianity is increasingly seen as easy, simple and undemanding. In a world that prioritizes selfishness and ease, the Christian faith in the West is gradually becoming more self-centered while asking less of its adherents. However, all it takes is a quick glance through the New Testament to see that we have taken a wrong turn somewhere. We all want to grow in our faith and take hold of eternal life, but are we willing to give up something to get them?
Jesus called those who would follow Him to lay down their lives, pick up crosses and sacrifice for others. Those who knew Jesus best ran headlong into suffering and persecution with joy, and they changed the world. How do we go about changing the world in the midst of a culture that makes it all about ourselves? Steve shares wisdom about how to combat our worldview, grow in faith and change our hearts in pursuit of Jesus.
Geordie's Journey can be followed on facebook.com/geordiesjourney and at gofundme.com/f/geordies-journey. Please consider supporting the Mumbys through this difficult time.
Share the podcast with a friend! Just copy+paste this link https://link.chtbl.com/UCT_listen_now into an email, text or Facebook post.
To connect with Max: Send me an email at maxehrman@changeoroville.org with topics you would like to see covered or feedback about an episode.
For the School of Transformation: www.transformationschool.org - www.instagram.com/sotoroville
For more about The Father's House: www.changeoroville.org - www.facebook.com/fathers.house.oroville - TFHC Media on YouTube - www.instagram.com/the.fathers.house.oroville
Steve Orsillo's books are available here on Amazon!
For Life Recovery Ministries: www.liferecoveryministry.com - www.instagram.com/lrmdiscipleship
Monday Sep 16, 2019
UCT 023: Truth in a Post-Truth Culture
Monday Sep 16, 2019
Monday Sep 16, 2019
Christians, by definition, are followers of Christ. One of the ways the Jesus described Himself was as Truth embodied; He is the way, the truth and the life. We might not realize it, but this is a radical claim. Claiming to be the incarnation of Truth is a big deal.
Yet today, the more radical part of this claim might be the assertion that something called truth actually exists. We live in a culture and time that has left truth behind. Feelings, relativism and opinions are more important than ever. After all, as the saying goes, "Just because it's true for you doesn't mean it's true for me."
Sarah Budd has a keen mind and a unique perspective on how our worldview in the West has shaped our view of Jesus and truth in particular. She joins the show to share some of her wisdom.
Geordie's Journey can be followed on facebook.com/geordiesjourney and at gofundme.com/f/geordies-journey. Please consider supporting the Mumbys through this difficult time.
Share the podcast with a friend! Just copy+paste this link https://link.chtbl.com/UCT_listen_now into an email, text or Facebook post.
To connect with Max: Send me an email at maxehrman@changeoroville.org with topics you would like to see covered or feedback about an episode.
For the School of Transformation: www.transformationschool.org - www.instagram.com/sotoroville
For more about The Father's House: www.changeoroville.org - www.facebook.com/fathers.house.oroville - TFHC Media on YouTube - www.instagram.com/the.fathers.house.oroville
Steve Orsillo's books are available here on Amazon!
For Life Recovery Ministries: www.liferecoveryministry.com - www.instagram.com/lrmdiscipleship
Monday Sep 23, 2019
UCT 024: Overcoming Victim Culture
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Monday Sep 23, 2019
In recent years, Western society has become enmeshed in a narrative that defines a person or group's value based on their perceived victim status. We find ourselves in a cultural moment that seems to elevate how much someone has been oppressed, slighted or marginalized. The consequence seems to be a heightened sense of individual entitlement, bitterness and selfishness.
In contrast, Jesus and the Christians of the early Church represent quite the opposite. Despite real persecution, none of these played the "victim card." Today in the Church we are in danger of weakening our testimony as we go along with the prevailing worldview. Steve Orsillo joins the podcast to discuss our role as modern Christians. How do we avoid falling into the trap of self-centeredness that our culture has laid for us?
Geordie's Journey can be followed on facebook.com/geordiesjourney and at gofundme.com/f/geordies-journey. Please consider supporting the Mumbys through this difficult time.
Share the podcast with a friend! Just copy+paste this link https://link.chtbl.com/UCT_listen_now into an email, text or Facebook post.
To connect with Max: Send me an email at maxehrman@changeoroville.org with topics you would like to see covered or feedback about an episode.
For the School of Transformation: www.transformationschool.org - www.instagram.com/sotoroville
For more about The Father's House: www.changeoroville.org - www.facebook.com/fathers.house.oroville - TFHC Media on YouTube - www.instagram.com/the.fathers.house.oroville
Steve Orsillo's books are available here on Amazon!
For Life Recovery Ministries: www.liferecoveryministry.com - www.instagram.com/lrmdiscipleship
Monday Sep 30, 2019
UCT 025: Real Life Accountability with Derek Devine
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Accountability is a commonly heard buzz word in Christian circles, but defining what it looks like can be difficult. Most of us know that following Christ is not something that we can do in isolation, but beyond that, there is not much that is agreed upon. Generally speaking, being open and honest with personal struggles is not something that comes easy to Christians in the West, and the news is littered with tales of leaders who have fallen without accountability.
Derek Devine joins the show to discuss the brand of accountability he was introduced to when he first became a Christian in college. Derek's time playing professional football taught him to seek out those who had the skills, character and work ethic he needed and to imitate them. As a Christian, he advocates the same approach: allowing those with fruitful faith lives to speak into his life and actually putting their guidance into practice.
Geordie's Journey can be followed on facebook.com/geordiesjourney and at gofundme.com/f/geordies-journey. Please consider supporting the Mumbys through this difficult time.
Share the podcast with a friend! Just copy+paste this link https://link.chtbl.com/UCT_listen_now into an email, text or Facebook post.
To connect with Max: Send me an email at maxehrman@changeoroville.org with topics you would like to see covered or feedback about an episode.
For the School of Transformation: www.transformationschool.org - www.instagram.com/sotoroville
For more about The Father's House: www.changeoroville.org - www.facebook.com/fathers.house.oroville - TFHC Media on YouTube - www.instagram.com/the.fathers.house.oroville
Steve Orsillo's books are available here on Amazon!
For Life Recovery Ministries: www.liferecoveryministry.com - www.instagram.com/lrmdiscipleship
Monday Oct 07, 2019
UCT 026: Further Up & Farther In with Nathan Taylor
Monday Oct 07, 2019
Monday Oct 07, 2019
Max welcomes Nathan Taylor to the show this week. Nathan is a staff member and urban missionary serving at The Father's House Church in Oroville. Like Max, Nathan and his wife moved down to Oroville from Canada, choosing to leave behind successful businesses and ministries in the process. The Taylors have been in Oroville for five years now.
Max and Nathan discuss their similar journeys, and Max tries to glean some wisdom from Nathan's successes and trials.
Geordie's Journey can be followed on facebook.com/geordiesjourney and at gofundme.com/f/geordies-journey. Please consider supporting the Mumbys through this difficult time.
Share the podcast with a friend! Just copy+paste this link https://link.chtbl.com/UCT_listen_now into an email, text or Facebook post.
To connect with Max: Send me an email at maxehrman@changeoroville.org with topics you would like to see covered or feedback about an episode.
For the School of Transformation: www.transformationschool.org - www.instagram.com/sotoroville
For more about The Father's House: www.changeoroville.org - www.facebook.com/fathers.house.oroville - TFHC Media on YouTube - www.instagram.com/the.fathers.house.oroville
Steve Orsillo's books are available here on Amazon!
For Life Recovery Ministries: www.liferecoveryministry.com - www.instagram.com/lrmdiscipleship
Monday Oct 14, 2019
UCT 027: Walking Through Adversity with Steve & Vicki Orsillo
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Monday Oct 14, 2019
This week is a special episode for the Uncommon Truth. For the first time, Max sits down with Steve Orsillo and his wife, Vicki, to have a discussion about faith in the midst of difficult times. Steve and Vicki founded The Father’s House Church in Oroville over twenty years ago. Though they display joy and peace in private and public, their lives have been far from easy. This past week, the Orsillos lost their granddaughter, Avalynn Hope Wallace, to her fight with leukemia. They have lost businesses and watched fire take their house, and each time their faith has increased. Together, they share stories of how their faith has grown in each difficult circumstance.
In the West, difficulties and suffering are often seen as indictments of our faith. We tend to take tough circumstances as a sign that God is not with us, or that we are walking outside His will. Yet, Jesus never promised His followers would have easy lives. He promised His Spirit would be with them, giving them His strength, comfort, and authority. The Orsillos have made it their goal to live in a way that makes this obvious.
Avalynn's Celebration of Life: Will be held at 3556 Oro Bangor Hwy, Oroville, CA 95966. The celebration will start with a potluck picnic at 3:30, followed by a formal service at 5:30. In lieu of flowers, the Wallace family would appreciate donations to "Avie's Place," a LEGO-themed park to be built in her honor. Those donations can be made on Facebook or directly to The Father's House Church of Oroville. Those attending can also bring perennial plants, trees, shrubs, benches or picnic tables to contribute to the park. Donation links and more information can be found below:
facebook.com/avalynnstrong/ -- www.changeoroville.org
Share the podcast with a friend! Just copy+paste this link https://link.chtbl.com/UCT_listen_now into an email, text or Facebook post.
To connect with Max: Send me an email at maxehrman@changeoroville.org with topics you would like to see covered or feedback about an episode.
For the School of Transformation: www.transformationschool.org - www.instagram.com/sotoroville
For more about The Father's House: www.changeoroville.org - www.facebook.com/fathers.house.oroville - TFHC Media on YouTube - www.instagram.com/the.fathers.house.oroville
Steve Orsillo's books are available here on Amazon!
For Life Recovery Ministries: www.liferecoveryministry.com - www.instagram.com/lrmdiscipleship
Monday Oct 21, 2019
UCT 028: Orphan-Victim-Martyr Cycle with Lisa Bowers
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Monday Oct 21, 2019
A couple episodes ago, Max and Steve discussed the epidemic that is the culture of victimhood in the West. This week, Max is joined by TFHC pastor Lisa Bowers who shares about something she calls the orphan-victim-martyr cycle and how to combat it.
Lisa points out that, as Christians, we are not immune from flawed thinking. When we get stuck in a mindset that puts too much focus on what we lack, it can quickly spiral in our lives. Operating out of isolation and unhealthy independence is a symptom of an orphan spirit at work. This often leads to feelings of victimhood, and eventually, the outlook that makes our sacrifices for the Kingdom all about ourselves. This is not what Jesus exemplified in His own life, death and resurrection.
Avalynn Wallace's Memorial: Will be held at 3556 Oro Bangor Hwy, Oroville, CA 95966. The celebration will start with a potluck picnic at 3:30, followed by a formal service at 5:30. In lieu of flowers, the Wallace family would appreciate donations to "Avie's Place," a LEGO-themed park to be built in her honor. Those donations can be made on Facebook or directly to The Father's House Church of Oroville. Those attending can also bring perennial plants, trees, shrubs, benches or picnic tables to contribute to the park. Donation links and more information can be found below:
facebook.com/avalynnstrong/ -- www.changeoroville.org
Share the podcast with a friend! Just copy+paste this link https://link.chtbl.com/UCT_listen_now into an email, text or Facebook post.
To connect with Max: Send me an email at maxehrman@changeoroville.org with topics you would like to see covered or feedback about an episode.
For the School of Transformation: www.transformationschool.org - www.instagram.com/sotoroville
For more about The Father's House: www.changeoroville.org - www.facebook.com/fathers.house.oroville - TFHC Media on YouTube - www.instagram.com/the.fathers.house.oroville
Steve Orsillo's books are available here on Amazon!
For Life Recovery Ministries: www.liferecoveryministry.com - www.instagram.com/lrmdiscipleship
Monday Nov 04, 2019
UCT 030: What's Up with Church Decline?
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Monday Nov 04, 2019
It doesn't take a statistician or sociologist to figure out that the institutions of Christianity are on the decline in the Western world. Falling numbers, decreasing cultural relevance, and lessening political voice all paint a picture of a religion in decline. More and more people are leaving organized religion, and even casual knowledge of the Bible is uncommon.
So how do we interpret this as Christians? Is it all doom and gloom, or is there an opportunity to seize the cultural moment? If the early Church could succeed, against all odds, without any of the advantages we have today, what must we do? Do we isolate ourselves, accommodate the world around us, or choose a new way?
Check out the article we were referencing in the show here: christianitytoday.com/ct/2019/early-church-thrived-amid-secularism
To view Avalynn Wallace's memorial live stream: facebook.com/avalynnstrong/
Share the podcast with a friend! Just copy+paste this link https://link.chtbl.com/UCT_listen_now into an email, text or Facebook post.
To connect with Max: Send me an email at maxehrman@changeoroville.org with topics you would like to see covered or feedback about an episode.
For the School of Transformation: www.transformationschool.org - www.instagram.com/sotoroville
For more about The Father's House: www.changeoroville.org - www.facebook.com/fathers.house.oroville - TFHC Media on YouTube - www.instagram.com/the.fathers.house.oroville
Steve Orsillo's books are available here on Amazon!
For Life Recovery Ministries: www.liferecoveryministry.com - www.instagram.com/lrmdiscipleship
Monday Nov 11, 2019
UCT 031: Engaging Millennials with Danielle Devine
Monday Nov 11, 2019
Monday Nov 11, 2019
It is no secret that institutional Christianity has struggled to engage Millennials and young adults in general. Many young people today—even those who identify as Christians—find the Church outdated, hypocritical, or simply irrelevant to their lives. How do we engage them with the truth of Jesus while standing firm in that truth?
Danielle Devine joins the show to preview the new book she has written and to share new insights she gained about young adults through her research.
Share the podcast with a friend! Just copy+paste this link https://link.chtbl.com/UCT_listen_now into an email, text or Facebook post.
To connect with Max: Send me an email at maxehrman@changeoroville.org with topics you would like to see covered or feedback about an episode.
For the School of Transformation: www.transformationschool.org - www.instagram.com/sotoroville
For more about The Father's House: www.changeoroville.org - www.facebook.com/fathers.house.oroville - TFHC Media on YouTube - www.instagram.com/the.fathers.house.oroville
Steve Orsillo's books are available here on Amazon!
For Life Recovery Ministries: www.liferecoveryministry.com - www.instagram.com/lrmdiscipleship